Environmental Principles

Registration of the ISO 14001

Registration of the ISO 14001

Registration of the ISO 14001

With the objectives of effectively protecting the environment and improving our way of business, all of our offices have been ISO 14001 certified. We have established an environmental management system which conforms to the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle in the following area:

  • the treatment and disposal of waste;
  • activities related to environmental analysis and recycling; and
  • environmental aspects related to products and services.

Furthermore, our work is based on the following environmental principles that we have set forth.

Our Principles Concerning the Environment

We observe and strictly follow local, national and global environmental laws and regulations, as well as other requirements, and assume systematic environmental management;

We work towards creating a more effective collection and transportation system for separated waste that is gathered from every prefecture of Japan;

We aim for constant technological advancement, especially in the areas of detoxifying collected waste and waste recycling;

We constantly seek ways to prevent the diffusion of environmental responsibility and pursue the effective use of resources;

Through our environmental measurement certification business, we work towards raising awareness on environmental management;

We regularly evaluate our environmental management activities, and pursue continuous improvement by reviewing our environmental goals and purposes;

We work towards increasing environmental awareness by educating all of our employees about the environment and making our principles concerning the environment accessible to the public;

We promote energy saving activities so as to decrease the impact on the environment.

Nomura Kohsan Co., Ltd.

Yasushi Fujiwara
Representative Director, President